“Families are the road that we travel along in life. My family have guided me to reach great heights and travel vast distances.  And at times,  has lead me to feel lost and uncertain, full of pot holes and dead ends”


  • Adult Children & Parents
  • Whole family unit
  • Reduce conflict and improve communication
  • Supporting stronger connections

Family therapy enables family members who care about each other to express and explore difficult thoughts and emotions safely, to understand each other’s experiences and views, appreciate each other’s needs, build on strengths and make useful changes in their relationships and their lives.

Often family therapy can evolve from existing individual or couples sessions that I am already having with a person.

My family therapy process is both powerful and healing.  Typically, family therapy, starts by speaking with one individual who is contacting me, through to talking with the whole family at our first consultation.  There can be separate contact made with each family member if requested, providing me with a full and comprehensive understanding of the family constellation and dynamics.

A family consultation of around 2 hours is then arranged and conducted.   These sessions can be online or in person

This longer time frame is essential in supporting the best possible outcomes for family therapy; providing me with the information I need to support each persons strengths and vulnerabilities and finding the right approach to sessions with other family members.

Generally, I recommend that individuals or families who are interested in Family Therapy contact me by phone to discuss the process, appointments and costings.

The number of sessions usually is a minimum of two to four session with the whole family. Sessions sometimes go onto include break down ‘dyads’ (2 people) between specific family members where a strong dynamic or pattern needs additional support.   This will vary depending on need and will be guided in consultation with the entire family.

Session Time Cost (per session) Attendance Booking
1.5 to 2 hrs Variable on numbers Face to Face or Zoom Email or Phone


Sessions can be booked by contacting me via phone or email. Sessions are either Face to Face or via Zoom

Family Therapy Clinical  Information Sheet

What clients say

S.R. Testimonial

“Sean, I really can’t thank you enough for the space you hold for me. I feel safe, I feel vulnerable, I feel challenged, I feel hopeful and most of all, I feel ready. You are a very special human being and I’m grateful for being guided towards you”. S.R

M.S. Testimonial

“I can highly recommend Sean, from my very first session I have felt met, held and supported. Every step of the way Sean has been with me with his kind presence and warm contact. He has challenged me at the right times and his compassionate curiosity have guided me deeper into a profound understanding of myself.  Many thanks Sean” M.S.

B.K. Testimonial

“Working with Sean has changed my life & my relationship. Sean is a highly skilled & intuitive therapist. His sensitivity creates a safe space, offering the opportunity for deep healing & transformation” B.K.

T.D. Testimonial

“I can’t recommend Sean enough, he’s compassionate & patient. If you’re committed to turning up & doing the work, then Sean’s your man” T.D.

KLD. Testimonial

“My sessions with Sean have offered me a sense of being deeply met in a safe environment. My capacity to experiment with new behaviours and choices has broadened, as has my ability to discover and action tools of support unique to me and my needs” KLD.

L.E testimonial

“Sean is an exceptional supervisor and his generosity, experience and experiential approach has supported me greatly to complete my counselling training and step into becoming a beginner therapist. Feels like a couldn’t have done it without you – so grateful.” L.E.

G.H Testimonial

“Outstanding. Sean’s training included excellent info and management of delivery.  The live demonstrations were a generous way of teaching and exemplifying skills and application of theory” G.H

T.W. Testimonial

“I owe a huge debt of gratitude to Sean. His gentle presence, deep care, powerful empathy, grounded wisdom and practical strategies have helped me over and over again. I can’t recommend him highly enough as a counsellor!”  T.W.